I have just finished watching the quite brilliant TV show The Walking Dead. Although only six episodes in length, the series (or mini-series perhaps?) took the cliche ridden and tired story of the zombie apocalypse and gave it a fresh look. Focusing on the aftermath rather than the inciting incident, the show tells the story of a group of survivors and how everyday is all about just that; survival. The show got renewed for a second season after just one episode was broadcast. If you haven't ever already seen it, check it out.
During an episode, it occurred to me that nearly every male (and many females too I imagine) has at some point thought in depth about they would do in a zombie apocalypse. Plans will have been formulated, discussions between friends about these plans will have no doubt gone on. In the last month or so I can say that I have had this discussion with three different friends on separate occasions. My plans usually involve getting weapons and vehicles before barricading myself and my band of survivors in a supermarket. Although driving many miles to ensure loved ones are okay too has come up. Another more long term plan was take a fleet of SUV type vehicles and flee to the less populated areas, Cornwall or Scotland probably. Of course these plans depended greatly on the breed of zombies we faced. The slow moving, dumb ones made famous by Romero or Resident Evil could be dealt with far easier than the quick horde like ones in 28 Weeks Later or Resi 4/5. Also whether or not the zombies work as a pack or not and whether or not zombie animals exist all have to be taken into account. Anyone who played one of the early Resident Evil games will know how hard zombie dogs were to fight. When it comes to surviving the devil really is in the details.
If you have not thought about what you would do, maybe you should. You can never be too careful!
I have thought about surviving a zombie apocalypse. I did a quiz and apparently I would last a year. I hope it will be longer than that, because it WILL happen.