So I haven't posted for a long time, we'll call it a break while I adjusted to life after uni. I tried my hand at a real job for a week, didn't much care for it! So I'm back in retail for the time being. Which on the plus side allows me to read more which has re-ignited my writerly desires. Which is ideal seeing as I about to attempt NaNoWriMo in a matter of days.
Since leaving uni and no longer having a set of books I am supposed to read and a set of things I am supposed to write about I have done plenty of reading, although little writing. Over the last months I have read the following novels and graphic novels;
A Game of Thrones,
A Clash of Kings,
A Storm of Swords,
A Feast for Crows, (all from A Song of Ice and Fire series)
Heat Wave,
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy,
The Wasp Factory,
True Grit,
Walking Dead 1-9,
Secret War,
Civil War,
Secret Invasion,
Killing Joke,
And I am about to start Deja Dead by Kathy Reichs. In truth I have read more since uni then I did in my three years there. As mentioned above I am undertaking NaNoWriMO in a few days which should be a huge challenge for me as I have not written a novel before so to do one in a month will be even harder. On top of that I will have the unwelcome distraction of work, not to mention the amount of great tv there is at the minute, oh and Arkham City is still sat on my side unplayed! Sleep may have to take a hit next month.
I am however very determined to complete the novel, allowing me a few months afterward to proof and re-write the thing before I consider the next daunting step. I'll shall be updating regularly on here with my progress. Wish me luck and good luck to anyone else participating.